Monday, October 27, 2008

Children English Story Books

Code: 2 Children English book - RM 10

1) My Mother is the best gift i ever got,
2) Fathers are like elephants because they're the biggest ones around.

Code: 1 Children English book - RM 10

Includes: Grammar Puzzles

Code: 2 Children English book - RM 15

1) Lion King and
2) Cigars of the PHARAOH

Code: 3 Children English book - RM 15

1) Lion King,
2) The Mysterious Fortune Tellers and
3) The Crab and the Crane.

Code: 3 Children English book + 1 Chinese Book - RM 10

1) Digimon
2) Saving the Turtles
3) Wally's labrator retriver

Code: 1 Children English book - RM 10

Includes: Mysteries Of the Ocean Deep

Code: 1 Children English book - RM 10

Includes: Scary Secrets

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